
Our podcasts, your emotions

How can you associate your brand with Bababam podcasts?

Our audio brands

Our sponsorship options

Personalized message

Promote your brand through a customized and integrated message in the most natural way possible.

Ad proposed by our creative teams.

Ad read by our hosts, to increase the level of trust and effectiveness of the campaign.

They trust us

Episode in partnership

Episodes produced in partnership with your brand allow your product to be featured in one of our signature podcasts.

Custom content created with our podcasters.

Episode integrated in our stream, which allows listening on a very long term.

They trust us
Now you know+ ZENDIUM

Our podcasts, your emotions

Your share of voice

We help brands and media to move into the audio world.

Be heard

We have developed for you a custom playback tool to facilitate access to your podcasts, grow and measure your audience.

Let's democratize audio